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Farewell Israel

Where to begin? And more importantly, where to end? I’ve been thinking on this one for a while, and if truth be told, I started to think of what I would say several weeks ago for when the time finally came. Well here it is, the last post. It was sad enough leaving Israel a week ago, and saying goodbye to all of the amazing people we have met during our time there. Now I must go through it again, one last time.

But how to do it, is the question that remains. How do you properly do justice, show your appreciation and say thanks for the experience of a lifetime? I could write for a day and more on all of the memories, places and the country itself, although all of these would pale into insignificance without the people. So what better way to finish than with a tribute. A tribute to the people of Israel and the project. Enough words have been written, it’s time to pick a few crackers from the 2,000 photos that I’ve taken. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words…

The Team


Last Goodbyes

And so comes the end of the journey. Next up, Philippines. Life moves pretty fast sometimes, but time waits for no man. I guess all that’s left to do is to say thank you once more, and to keep to the promise and return one day, whenever that may be.

Yala Israel, and be well.

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